Welcome to the RfB

This website provides all information concerning the accredited EQA schemes of the RfB:


  1. New Survey: Neurofilament Light Chain (NfL) in Serum

    The RfB is expanding its survey program to include the determination of neurofilament light chain (NfL) in serum. This measurement serves as a biomarker for assessing neuroaxonal damage, particularly in multiple sclerosis. Scheduled dates for 2025 are planned for June and November.
  2. New Proficiency Test: Preeclampsia Markers (PM)

    The RfB is expanding its external quality assurance services and will offer the survey for preeclampsia markers twice a year starting in 2025. Participants can determine analytes such as PlGF, sFLT-1, and the PlGF/sFLT-1 ratio. Registration is done through the participant account.
  3. New GLX Survey for Glucose Determination Using POCT Devices

    We are now offering the new GLX survey for glucose determination in whole blood using POCT devices. From GL2/25 onwards, glucose determination in the GL survey will only be possible using wet chemistry in serum. For POCT devices, please use the GLX survey. Registration is open until 22.04.2025.
  4. The guideline Rili-BÄK is now available in English!

    The Rili-BÄK is now available in the official translation of the German medical association.
  5. IgG subclass determination in IG4/24

    Starting with the survey IG4/24 you have the possibility to perform the IgG subclass determination (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4).
  6. EurA1cTrial 2022

    EurA1c, the trial exploring the effectiveness of HbA1c tests across various countries and manufacturers, was conducted for the seventh time in 2022. Over 4,000 laboratories in 22 countries participated. The report is now available on our website.

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53175 Bonn

Phone: +49 2 28 / 92 68 95 - 0
Fax: +49 2 28 / 92 68 95 - 29

Internet: www.rfb.bio
E-mail: info@spmd-rfb.de