Welcome to the RfB

This website provides all information concerning the accredited EQA schemes of the RfB:


  1. AAL 2024 - 23rd Annual Conference of the Association of Accredited Laboratories in Düsseldorf

    On September 13th and 14th, we are co-hosting the 23rd AAL conference in Düsseldorf. We are excited to offer a diverse program featuring engaging workshops, panel discussions, and practical case studies.

    This conference provides an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues, gain new insights, and establish valuable connections. We look forward to two inspiring days filled with engaging discussions and the chance to share valuable experiences.

    Join us in Düsseldorf – we look forward to your attendance! For more information, please visit: https://aal-tagung.de/
  2. EurA1cTrial 2022

    EurA1c, the trial exploring the effectiveness of HbA1c tests across various countries and manufacturers, was conducted for the seventh time in 2022. Over 4,000 laboratories in 22 countries participated. The report is now available on our website.

Friesdorfer Straße 153
53175 Bonn

Phone: +49 2 28 / 92 68 95 - 0
Fax: +49 2 28 / 92 68 95 - 29

Internet: www.rfb.bio
E-mail: info@spmd-rfb.de